Via social, users can create and share content and network with one another. The central feature of social media is its interactivity. Social interaction between users and collaborative writing characterise online dialogue, the so-called many-to-many communication. Users create content (user-generated content), via which a permanent, temporally unlimited exchange with others takes place.
Post at regular intervals at similar times and benefit from more followers. To make your job easier and perhaps inspire you, we offer our posts for download. Have fun browsing!

Thanks to stories, you can post more often. And not only perfectly staged and commented photos, but also snapshots that come about by chance. You’re welcome to use our video media library!
Videos are much more lively and personal, thus we recommend posting videos instead of photos for a change. Just go to our Vimeo channel to download the videos and share them.

It’s a big world and it’s full of customers. Hardly anywhere are their interests better combined than in social media. Thus it’s advisable to only conduct marketing there where your customers are anyway. Companies have recognised the “power” of social media marketing. Customer flows can be channelled via Facebook and co. But more has to be done than just establishing a presence. Display products, provide help, answer questions, make customers curious about new publications, offer distraction — these and many other activities can be carried out.
1. Regularity
Post at regular intervals and at similar times. What would the ratings be like if the German TV station ARD were to constantly change its broadcasting times? Hopefully your subscribers look forward to your next post and don’t want to miss it. They quickly notice when you get into a routine and thank you for it with more of their attention. Even for yourself, there are only advantages: You can plan your Instagram time so that it fits well into your daily and weekly rhythm. For Instagram professionals, there are also third-party tools to plan and automate future posts. And another tip: What you mustn’t do is irregularly post a lot of images at once. The best time to post a photo on Instagram is between 6 p.m. and 7.30 p.m. and on weekends at 11 p.m., according to a study. And why? Because that’s when most users are surfing Instagram.
2. Hashtags
The right hashtags and copy lead to more attention. The more hashtags, the more people will find you! With popular hashtags, it can happen that your target group doesn’t come across your profile. If you select the hashtags more specifically, the probability gets higher. Likewise, more people from your target group will come across your profile. Up to 30 tags per post are possible. A successful mix is crucial: Very popular hash tags quickly tell visitors whether your offer could be relevant for them. So put those at the front. Next, use hash tags with a moderate number of articles. You skim off the attention out there for your channel. Specific hash tags will increasingly lead directly to you the more often you use them.
3. Interaction
Interact with your community. Instagram is a social network. To increase your number of followers, you need to be in direct contact with your followers. This also means replying to comments and private messages. You should also ask questions. Competitions lead to interactions and happiness on the part of customers. Encourage your customers to post about their tanning studio visits. You can use a challenge to encourage customers to do so. All you have to do is come up with a suitable hash tag and post an appropriate photo. Anyone who wants to take part in such a challenge only has to post a photo too, using the hash tag.
4. Image processing
Posts can be made prettier using effects. At Instagram, people want to enjoy good photos first and foremost. That’s why Instagram isn’t a second product catalogue, but the best place for the context of your brand. Ask yourself: What visual worlds make the spirit of my brand palpable? Feel free to be creative: the Instagram world is always looking for variety! While the number of photos is constantly increasing, the look of the images is becoming more and more interchangeable thanks to the use of the same filters and poses. Counter that with unique pictures as your key to Instagram success.
5. Overall impression
By varying your posts, your profile comes across as harmonious and interesting. A harmonious overall visual impression arouses the interest of passing visitors and boosts your channel’s significance to them in those first decisive seconds. Instagram users are looking for clear concepts in the flood of images. There are many possibilities for consistent visual languages: Similar motifs, perspectives, focal lengths, colours, lighting moods or post-processing styles can be deliberately combined to make a difference.
6. Copy
No image works without a caption. Use the captions to communicate your message and to inspire your visitors into action. In contrast to the text in your bio, the text length here is barely limited. The caption is the place where you continue the stories of your images and open up a space for dialogue. Since Instagram controls the visibility of contributions via an algorithm, contributions with likes and comments are preferred and you can assist this by using good copy.
7. Biography
It’s the first area that visitors to your channel get to see. Who are you? What’s your business? What does your channel have to offer? You can visually spice up your text using the emoji keyboard. Emojis stand out, are absorbed faster than text and there are so many of them that you’ll always find an image that visually supports your message. On the other hand, if you think emojis are childish, you’ll irritate younger target groups.
8. Analyse your profile
Check your success!
If you’ve changed your profile to a company profile in the settings, Instagram will provide you with some statistics on the use of your channel. You can use them to review and optimise the effectiveness of your goals.
Don’t forget: All the work should also be worth it for you.
9. Engagement
Leave likes and comments. If you want to build up a community, you should maintain relevant contacts and distribute your entries across selected hashtags. You can find relevant channels by looking up who the people you follow are following themselves. You’ll increase your profile in the target groups that are important to you if you also participate in dialogue on other channels that are relevant to you.
10. Polls
Interview followers using the survey sticker. In Instagram, a poll can be added to a story using the sticker menu. If you want, you can formulate a question. You can see the results of the poll by swiping up at the appropriate point in your own story.